Luke has had a great year. He is a good leader in the family. He is really responsible and trustworthy. He has started piano, track, and band. He continues in swim, tennis,tae kwan do (brown belt), cub scouts, Awana. He has started baby sitting Hudson. He plays the piano non stop and has taught himself a number of songs. He has also been inspired by his friends who also play piano.
Favorite Class: Math
Best Friends: Caleb, Colin, Lucas, Will, Jack, Tyler, Hayden
Favorite Sport: TKD
Favorite Vacation: Arizona
Favorite thing to do with Eva: Minecraft
Favorite thing to do with Hudson: build forts
Favorite thing with Daddy: watch Harry Potter
Favorite thing with Mommy: baking
Favorite thing at Awana: Memorizing verses
What you want to be when you grow up: Inventor
Something new you learned: scooter tricks, trombone
Favorite thing about piano: Piano lessons