Sunday, June 18, 2006

My Baby's Got Sauce

This last week (June 12th) was Luke’s first week at daycare and hence Alyssa’s first week back to work. Alyssa had a good week at work. After her first day, I asked how it went and her first comment was “Well, I didn’t cry.” Then she responded with how it felt natural to go back, that she didn’t miss a beat, and she still likes her job of being a physical therapist. Working three days a week seems to be a good balance between working and motherhood.

I take Luke to daycare and pick up on those three days. His teachers’ comments include, “He is a dream baby.” Translation: He is well adjusted and doesn’t cry very much. They all like him and think he is very cute. On his second day I picked him up in a and he was in different clothes - his shirt said “Wash and Return”. He got his original clothes dirty, followed by his spare outfit by pee-ing on them while being changed.

Meanwhile, when Luke is home with Alyssa he is learning a new skill – helping cook dinner. His chair on the counter allows him to supervise. He is talking more (coo-ing) and also smiling more everyday.

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