Monday, July 19, 2010

What's and oreo?

We camped with 16 adults and 19 kids at Governor Dodge State Park and I only have pictures of two... We didn't get out the camera much. We do have much video of the kids riding their bikes, scooters, and push toys on the road. There were only two injuries even when the men convinced Austin (4) to go to the top of the hill on a pink scoot toy and descend the entire hill with no brakes. We also may have set a record for time at the beach, we spend from 9:00am-3:30pm at the beach. Luke had the most fun he has had at the beach as he is now floating on his tube and running in the water. I had a great time at the beach too. It is so much more fun when your kids are having a good time. We used our tent and new cots for the first time and it was a large improvement from the 20 year old 3 person tent on the backpacking mats. The tent did well in the rain storm on Saturday night. We had a great time bonding with friends while our kids did the same. Camping also always teaches you something new about your old friends that you never knew (Bud, Brad, Matt, Andy). I don't have pictures of all the great food, the airplane contest, Gretchen sleeping with her son in the pack and play, Caleb's bloody lip, or the jiffy pop made with bare hands. We can't wait for next year.
One of my favorite quotes from Luke was after I gave him the list of dessert choices, rice crispy treat, chocolate chip cookie, or Oreo, he looked at me very inquisitively and asked, "What is an Oreo?" There are so many great things to learn from camping. He choose the double stuff Oreo with delight.

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