Thursday, May 28, 2009

Seven Years of Love

Dave and I got married seven years ago in Madison, WI. Every year we go back to celebrate our marriage and reminisce of the days we met and how much fun we had on campus. I do love Madison and I can't stop smiling the whole time I am there. We got in a few dates... dinner at the Italian Restaurant where we had our rehearsal dinner, canoeing in Lake Mendota, biking around Lake Wingra. It was much like the day we got engaged. It is fun to return to my college town with Luke and Eva. I love sharing Madison with them. It is "The Snapple," the Greatest Place on Earth.
My Mom with Eva and the flamingos.

Dave canoeing past lake shore path and the crew house. It reminded me of all my runs along the path and the ones that ended with a jump in the lake. It also reminded me of the white pier that Dave and I swam off of in our early dating days. We canoed near The Edgewater, the first place we went in public when we were engaged. I will never forget looking at my ring sparkle there as we ate dinner.
Luke is playing at James Madison Park. In college, I overlooked this park from my "penthouse" apartment. I could watch the men living in the vans in the parking lot, people playing basketball at all hours, and great sun sets. I laugh about finding a sleeper sofa on the curb and making it our own. I laugh about my roommate riding her scooter in 2 feet of snow with her goggles on. I laugh about the Christmas tree we had with no needles. I laugh about my other roommate dating 3 guys at the same time while she lived there. I loved doing my Nordic track in my bedroom over looking the lake while I listened to Sarah Groves. I liked our acoustic lounge Jackie wanted to sing in. I loved that we had a self portrait of Jackie on the wall.

Here I was re-creating my wedding pictures. I just used Luke instead of Dave.

The picture above shows me practicing spinning with Luke. This is the same place Dave and I practiced our fox trot up on top of the Monona Terrace before our wedding reception. What a great day!

We had a great time walking by the farmer's market. I remember going to the farmers market in college and wishing that I had more than one person to cook for. Now I have this family that I love so much. I never would have guessed it would be so good.

Dave, I will love you forever.

1 comment:

Buntrock said...

Aren't memories great? Happy anniversary!