Saturday, June 23, 2012

Family Trip to the Dells

Four days together as a family gave us time for everything...time to play, time to read together, time to swim, time for the kids to take extra long bath's, time to have extra long bed time routines, time to eat every meal together, time to laugh, and time to watch Luke and Eva enjoy being brother and sister.

Our kids are possibly the most excitable kids around.  Most of the pictures we took had the expression below, the super smile.  The kids loved staying at the hotel.  They ran in every hallway, jumped on every bed, did a high knees bounce routine from room to room, did a parade routine around the tub, pushed every elevator button with glee, and explored the new areas with great excitement. 
 Eva and daddy reading.

 We went out to eat and had "train delivered food."  The kids would have watched for at least three hours.  It was fun getting our food, but we enjoyed watching every train delivery.
 Last night, good night.

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